maandag 25 januari 2010

Movement of the Legendary Movie Orchestra

Het Legendarische Filmorkest kwam gisteren bij me op bezoek :)

Yesterday I made a perfect series of musicians with their instruments. It was a great day, and all models were so cooperative, THANXXX guys! More photos coming soon @

donderdag 21 januari 2010

Photo auction for Haiti

MeRy's PUUR. Amiso & Jermaine gaan mee in de fotoveiling van Photoq met de opbrengst voor Haïti!

Hier kunt u bieden op deze foto en op nog veel meer mooie en bijzondere foto's: Fotoveiling

Please buy our artwork for Haïti. Dutch photographers have donated their most beautiful en precious work for Haïte here: Art Photo Auction The above work is Amiso (17) and her son Jermaine, from my series PURE. Proud teenmothers.

More PURE. photo artwork available via

woensdag 6 januari 2010

And more snow... :)

last week we even had more snow...view from our bedroom window

2 January 2010: our street is white again

just love the sun shining on winter's days...

me in the park with our son Pim in the back