woensdag 1 december 2010

clients sent me...

My latest pieces of art: two big sized photos on di-bond, really a beautiful set of family photos. A whole different kind of children's portraits!

Me working on the photo of the invitation to participate in the record "get as many pregnant women in one photo" to draw attention to MDG5 of the UN; Millenium Development Goal no. 5 is to Reduce the number deaths of pregnant women and newborn mothers in 3rd world countries. STOP Maternal mortality!

This was the endresult, 4 September 2010:

Try out of our very first mass Trash The Dress with 8 brides in a fountain 08-08-'08!

One of the brides participating 09-09-'09 & 10-10-'10 was Vivian from Jolanda. Can you see the photographer in this one?

Another project of mine, Red-On-Red: FineArt in Fijnaart, the Netherlands: me taking Red-On-Red photos part two. First series was done @ the redheadday in Breda in 2007.

is this a...weddingpicture??? YES

Last but not least: PURE. Proud teenmothers in Chinese:

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