donderdag 14 augustus 2014

English will be Dutch

My name is Melanie E. Rijkers - pronounce Rikers - I am a ZIENer. Ziener is a Dutch word for prophet. I am not the prophet who predicts, but I am a human being who SEES what other people don't (see).

ZIENer in Dutch is also 'person who sees'. ZIEN = to SEE. Capitals, as people often look at the world, but don't really SEE it. My faith is to make all of you see, the beauty of this world. SEE and feel its positive energy.

Mindful? Yes, very. But also very Miksang. In Tibetian "Good, Pure Eye". Pure contemplative photography.

My photography shows subjects of life as they are, SEEN as they are. Struck by its beauty or remarkable appearance, in detail often, life is photographed by me. Pure, real people and places. I love the world - and yes, I travel a lot. Check out my photos on my Flickr account.

Follow my Tweets and Instagram. I will keep you posted and hope to inspire you by my positivity. 

Just my brain - photo: Julian Cash - light painting of me at a SFMusicTech in San Francisco

zondag 5 januari 2014

I am now a Photographer at A Beautiful Body Project

YES, I am now a photographer of the Beautiful Body Project by Jade Beall.

#ikzieikzie (wat jij niet ziet) - Let's Celebrate Life! Contemplative Photography from the ♥

Looking at life, I SEE. I SEE you. And YOU are so worth it.

When I first saw Jade's photos, I immediately had to think of my PURE. Proud young mothers series 2006-2009 - nude portraits of teenmothers 16-22 years old, posing pregnant or with child, 100% Photoshop free.

Since my days as a student at the Academy of Arts ('96, St. Joost, Breda) I've been taking photos showing the beauty of the female body. Je suis belle, ô mortels! comme un rève de pierre - taken from Charles Baudelaire's poem La Beauté from the book Fleurs du Mal, is my guideline ever since.

I am beautiful, oh mortals! like a dream carved in stone

Jade is a beautiful and PURE mother, and she made the headlines with her photos showing PURE beauty. I am proud to be a Beautiful Body Photographer and share all beauty with the world. Melanie Rijkers at A Beautiful Body Project