maandag 13 augustus 2012

Red-On-Red 2012

Red-On-Red [Redhead day 2007] portraits now available as e-book too! From 4,99 €

In 2007 Bart Rouwenhorst held the first 'roodharigendag' in Breda, the Netherlands. In 2005 there was a similar, but much smaller event in an art gallery in Asten, where Bart was showing his paintings of red (ginger) women.
When working on promotion photos for the first Breda redheadday, I came up with the idea of Red-On-Red. ​ During the 2007 event five big pieces (90x140 cm) of Red-On-Red art were shown in the Grote Kerk (Cathedral) of Breda, the heart of the annual event ever since.
In the Belcrum I was able to create my own outdoor Red-On-Red studio @ Electron, and over a 100 redheads had their portrait taken 2 September 2007. ​
This e-book is to celebrate the beauty of being blessed with red hair. I am proud that I was one of the Breda artists from the start, who gave people with red hair a reason to be proud, very proud! ​

 In 2008 we created Medusa
infraRED was made in 2010
2011 and 2012 books will be out asap ​

2007 Red-On-Red original book also showing behind the scenes and event photos. ​ ​ ​

Contact for more information about our photography, Hans van Nunen and Melanie Rijkers (MeRy) are

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