maandag 11 februari 2013

Saar 3

6 February 2013: Saar is going through a rough time at the moment... an EMG and MRI yesterday, today a lumbar puncture...she's done, over and out. She just sent me this, which nearly broke my heart:

Sarhea, via Whatsapp:
Missing my kids.
Two hearts for my children, each heart for 1, 1 heart for each.
Daughter Lissy, 6 years old: 'If you miss your babies, hold the hearts'...
I miss them so much...

Saar's hand, holding the hearts

Sarhea a few days before via Facebook:

Hi there. Time for an update. I finally can typ again, so here's my story so far. I was rushed to the hospital in Nijmegen due to complications (paralised diafragma and throat muscles) as I was already in Germany to be cured for neuroborreliose Lyme.

I suffered from an unknown infection, making it harder to breath than ever. I have 3 drips left, and was vomitting the whole time, but now I am fed intravenously for two days already. My oxygen levels are better and I lost the oxygen mask. The speech threapist wants to teach me how to drink again without reflexes.

But because of the 3 diffrent types of antibiotics my bowls started details necessary what the consequences are I reck. This is a big blow to my feeble body, it looses energy and fluids. I wasn't fit enough to have that EMG either.

I keep getting a step forward, and two back etc. I really hate the sonde. It feels like a piece of glass in my throat, it hurts. But I am happy that some of the fluids and nutrition finally stayed put. ;) We are not there yet, but I don't care. All I want is to stay ALIVE.

Our new house will be needing the necessary changes too, but I want to go home and be with my kids again. Our kids slept in our new homw for the first time yesterday. I really hate it I couldn't be there with them at this special moment...

I want to thank all of you for your donations, and I am very happy that Melanie will be able to come at least for one day! She's here tomorrow, bringing her camera! It really means a lot to me that strangers donate money, just to help me and my family. There's also people writing about me, like THANK YOU ALL so much.

Thanks for all support, sharing these posts, lighting candles etc.

p.s. it took me some time to typ all this, but... I got it done!

x, Saar

Holding what's the most dearest to her...

Call for help:
If we can collect 10 euro from 300 contributors, I can be with her for over 3 weeks.

If there's anyone who'd like to support Saar and her family, so I can go over to her and work with her... please donate via Paypal to or send a cheque to
Speelhuislaan 173
4815 CD Breda
the Netherlands

*God bless you all*

Thank you

 (and some more blogging about Sarhea)

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